Sunday, February 1, 2015

Grey Hair Regrowth...I'm going to age greys fully!

1-2-2105- Well I’ve committed to the journey of growing out my greys and celebrating ME! Now this is a revolutionary concept for me. I have been hiding my greys since 19 yrs old & I’m about to turn 52! I was as committed to hiding them as I was to keeping my hair long & dark. I still refuse to go short, or even medium length. It is waist to bum length all the way baby!

I have put in days of research in preparation for the journey back to me. I’ve got supplies of other women’s stories and pics to sustain me along my trip. I’ve packed info and links to stockists for silver hair care products. I’ve planned my route via hair length, hair cut style & co ordinates of 1 inch hair growth= 2 months.

I have just measured my hair from my 1 inch skunk stripe edge to tip. It is 2 ½ ft or 30 inches. (approx 90cm for my metric sisters). It sits atop my butt at present. My strategy is to get 2, I say 2, full inches lopped off this month. A never before act seen.  Thereby leaving 28 inches of dark hair. Now if I continue to trim an inch every 2 months I can retain my length and reduce my dyed hair 6 inches a year. So in theory I’ll be totally natural & long haired in 4 ½ years. This is a mega trek ladies. No fluffing around nicely paved, park walkways. No power walk along sandy seashores. No, not for this rebellious nanna, it’s a jump in boots and all, long haul, back pack laden, huffing & puffing trek up the white peaked(appropriate) Kathmandu mountain. Ah but the view...

My hair has always been my defining description. “the chick with the long hair”, “Morticia”, “I love your long hair” etc. My ex hubby would love to sit and brush it. I have even trained very pushy hairdressers to not trim too much off it EVER. When I told my 30yr old daughter yesterday about my expedition to find silver, the first comment she had was “are you going to cut it?” Her world continued to turn when I exclaimed “no way!” In fact those whose opinions matter have just given me bemused smiles. I think they are used to my eclectic approach to fashion and appearance (not to mention other things in my life), so have just added this to “Linda’s way out & weird interpretation of life.” Although I did appreciate the comment from a male family member who, after a few minutes of just staring with a strange look on his face and a mouth twitch, finally spoke, saying “well we all change how we look eventually.” His sage words were quickly followed by “but you’re not going o cut it though are you? I don’t think short hair would suit you.” My reply kept his world turning also.

So from once hating the dreaded silver streak regrowth, I’m getting quite excited and already impatient to see my shade of grey. I want to see how my skin & eyes look framed by my REAL colour. From trying to hide it, I now want to keep looking at the progress from all angles. I am willing it to grow, grow GROW!! I have figured that with short layers to frame my face and a long layer cut at the back, the front silver face frame may be in place in time for my daughter’s wedding next Feb 2016. The long back portion could be tethered into a loose uplift.

I am really encouraged by other women’s experiences of softer and better conditioned hair. Of course I’ll now have more money to spend on quality products and salon cuts & conditioning treatments, to rock my silver locks! But my qualms over wiry and unruly steel wool sprouting from my scalp have been assuaged. Makes sense to me that natural, as opposed to regular chemicals on my noggin, would feel & look healthier. ( aided & abetted by organic  enhancers.)

I refuse to kowtow to society’s mantra of grey hair is better short, or grey hair makes you look old and washed out. Man some of the pics I have of long, silver haired women are stunning. We’re not talking the young & gorgeous maiden & mothers here, but women of the crone calibre.

There is much talk amongst the silver sub subculture as to the tone of our individual grey. Even the descriptions sound sophisticated, cultured and refined. Pewter, steel, ice white & silver. It seems nobody wants to have grungy grey. It’s like a personal status symbol because it’s all natural grow your own. Therein lies my excitement. It truly is my unique colour. I am already liking the colour I’m seeing. I’m lucky in that I can wear my hair straight without too much taming or leave it to dry long and curly scrunched. Oh the images of sexy untamed earth mother, feminine silver sleek goddess, a permanent halo of light reflection to soften the lens focus...but I digress. This is HUGE ladies. It is longer than the pregnancies of my 3 children combined! I have trouble committing to what I’ll cook for lunch time!

I have been transitioning into this crone phase of life for the past few years. “Transitioning” is also what us grow your own grey converts call the between phase of “ditch the dye” & “silver lock rockin”. It just feels a natural transition for me, first divorce, then menopause, new home, new location, no more kids at home, new life, and unstereotypical to be me! So honey I’m gonna let it all hang down. Hey I’m a child of the 60s, I’ve lived up near Nimbin (my youngest still does), peace, love & mung beans baby. Power to the(pewter) people. So I’ll be rockin those silver locks & fighting the establishment, oh yeah. Although  I’ll stop short of becoming a silver hairy, ganja faerie (good ole Rainbow region/ Nimbin...what a trip...)

I’ll update in a month. Meanwhile here are some pics I’ve called my Inspiration, Aspiration & Determination. As well as just some of me called.....Feb.