Monday, May 11, 2015

Finding the Silver Lining

Well my monthly journal is morphing into a quarterly journal, just as I am morphing into a long locked lady of silver. My vision of a white haloed ethereal portrait of elegant, ageless womanhood is becoming more of a down to earth reflection of some white, some silver and (quite surprisingly) still some dark hair sprouting out of my scalp. Nevertheless, I am an optimistic soul at heart so I'm convincing myself that the longer it grows, the more silver white on the top while the blended colour will be relegated to the lengths of the eventual lopped locks at the bottom.

I have to say that the transition for me thus far, has been relatively painless. The only complaint I have is that it takes soooo long. I really am excited to see my colour at a longer length. I don't mind that it will take years to achieve the waist length that I will always have. But I am very impatient to get to a length that frames my whole face.

I have been keeping myself up to date with new colours for my new hue. It really has been true that the more natural the colour of my hair, the softer & more complimentary for my complexion. I like the fact that my eyebrows are still dark brown so I won't be fading completely into oblivion. Yes I'm still holding tight to my vision of white/silver. Also I don't know if I am deluding myself, but I seem to be noticing my eye colour a lot more in my reflection. I am gravitating to silver or black drop earrings at present to offset wearing my hair pulled back, either in a plait or a bun. I haven't felt the urge to hide my regrowth under hats or scarves. I have noticed I do need mascara at all times. The bonus for me is I can now go back to more colourful makeup and clothing. This is such a release for me because I absolutely love love love colours. Wearing them, looking at them, designing with them. I realise the compromises I had to make for my coloured tresses now. All those neutral & pastel shades....yawn. Whodathunk a chick in her 50s could scrub up sporting a vivid lilac and lime green print dress and lace up ankle boots, with salon straightened hair incorporating a wide silver regrowth, along with an actual red shade of lippy and get admiring male attention & compliments? I sure as heck didn't but guess what?

So here a few more real life piccies of my journey. Roughly 4 months to date of regrowth.