Friday, November 20, 2015

Pewter Progress

As it is about to become the silly season I thought I'd update & muse over my silver regrowth this past year. Yes it's been almost a year since my resolute resolution to my grey hair conundrum. That I can say as I have yet to imbibe any Christmas cheer lol.

One thing's for certain, I do not have a single regret! Even when recently, my youngest Grandson, was looking through some photos and spied one of me taken only last year. He proclaimed in astonishment, "Oh Ninna, you were really young there!"  I had my roots died in the photo hahhaha. So I pondered the connotation of grey hair equating to old age in the perceptions of children. True, grey hair & wrinkles are outward indicators of aging. Yet I began greying at 19 years of age?? What if I had the courage back then to let nature take its course? By my 3rd child I would have been doing the pregnant waddle with a full head of greys. Wouldn't that have upset the stereotype! So my conclusion is children are impressionable & adaptable. This same Grandchild was equally surprised to see me recently cycling with him, "Ninna I didn't know you could ride a bike!" Yes it's amazing what us grey headed women can do when we rise from our crypt lol. This darling lad has cemented my convictions!

But the more pressing concern for me is my daughter's upcoming wedding. Namely MY dress, MY makeup & MY hairstyle. hahaha. After all it's all about me don't you know? So to suit my transitioning tresses I have gone for a blended black, white & light grey irregular lace & chiffon, slightly embellished number. Silver strappy heels & some bling accessories. Topped off with a loose French roll with my silver tendrils highlighting my face and nape. Bold lips & nails for contrast. False eyelashes at a tasteful length to prevent my eyes from disappearing into the silver light lol.Lets see how that all comes together. It's a mid Summer affair here in Oz so the obligatory tan may actually promote my shiny silver locks too.

Here are some up to date, candid photos of my pewter progress.

And my dress.

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I would love to hear about your transition trials and tips.