This is my final blog post as I have finally achieved my GREYT goal!
I lopped off my remaining old colour this week and updated my long hair with long layers. My hairdresser styled the cut by curling the ends. Voile^, transformation complete!
I was surprised by how emotional I became in the salon chair. The old colour was really a symbol for the old me. "Old" ironically pertaining to the colour that was supposedly "youthenising" my appearance. Seeing the remnants of my past lying scattered beneath my feet, waiting to be swept away forever, felt like a long earned achievement. The emotional and psychological process of this journey went deeper than the vanity aspect, that I had presumed ,would be the only issue.
It encompassed both the personal AND the societal aspect of a woman's appearance, most notably at a more "mature" age. My journey showed me that I do have natural self confidence through owning my choice & seeing through my goal no matter the pressures (both perceived, insinuated & direct) friends, family, professionals, strangers, media & the fashion industry exerted at times.
I've embraced my grey hair. I've embraced my age. I'm actually flaunting it lol. I don't mind anyone knowing how old I am. The mythical "they" can get over it, I did.
The compliments I am now receiving are the icing on the cake. Who doesn't love sincere compliments? But even with none, I am at a place of deep acceptance of me & a really deep place of "don't care" lol.
I love my hair!! It is healthy, swishy, bouncy & long. The colour is all mine and no one else has it. It suits my skin tone perfectly. It is so much easier to maintain and so much cheaper as well. It's GREYT!